Nathan Drapela

Nathan, a smiling young man with glasses, a black and white plaid flannel, and a shaved head, is standing in front of a wall with a bookshelf, a cross, and a map of some sort.


2015 Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Austria; 2020 Fulbright, Switzerland

Nathan was selected for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Austria, where his studies of German language and literature were put to good use, as well as his passion for teaching. He had worked as a tutor at the writing center for three years, and was eager to develop his skills in German, as well as in a classroom setting. Nathan wrote his Honors Thesis about German author Herman Hesse's novel Glass Bead Game—as a Fulbright scholar he was able to explore German literature and philosophy, while gaining valuable teaching skills he could translate from one classroom to another. Nathan's backgrounds in “rowing, hiking, coffee, and brewing beer” certainly helped him bond with his community abroad. 


BA, Philosophy, 2014
PhD, German Studies, Duke University/University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2023



What are they up to now

As hoped, Nathan pursued a career in education, currently a Graduate Student Instructor at Duke University teaching elementary to advanced German courses. He is in the process of earning a PhD in German Studies through the Carolina-Duke Program. In 2020 he earned another Fulbright, this time to go to Switzerland to continue his graduate research on 19th-20th century narrative prose at the University of Zürich, though the trip was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.