Elani Koogle

Elani stands outdoors on a sunny day wearing traditional German garb in front of a museum sign.


2013 Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Germany

Elani, a Western Honors program alum, traveled to Rostock, Germany to help high school students improve their English. She also worked on translating sections of The Whistling Season by Ivan Doing into German and collaborated with native speakers to refine the translation. Her hope going into the year was that her community would have unique input on the translation; that it would no longer belong to her but to everyone! In particular, she hoped that her students would “participate and have a great time interacting with a book that both showcases an interesting time in America and is one of [her] personal favorites.” 


BA, German, 2012

What are they up to now

Since coming home, Elani has been providing German-English translations, and in 2018 was certified by the American Translators association.